The big three, consisting of Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, have been at odds for years, unable to come to a permanent agreement. The reason for this is simple: each company has its own business strategy, and each one wants to dominate the market. Here are some of the specific reasons why it has been so difficult for the big three to come to an agreement:

1. Different Business Models

Firstly, each of these companies has a different business model. Google has always been focused on search engines, while Yahoo has been more focused on email and news. Microsoft, on the other hand, has been focused on software development. These different business strategies have made it difficult for the companies to come to a consensus on a number of issues.

2. Different Priorities

Secondly, the priorities of each company are different. For instance, while Yahoo may prioritize user privacy, Google may prioritize their search rankings. Microsoft may prioritize their stock price, while Google may prioritize their innovation. These different priorities have made it difficult for the companies to come to an agreement on issues such as data privacy and search engine optimization.

3. Different Corporate Cultures

Lastly, the different corporate cultures of each company have also played a role in their inability to come to an agreement. Google, for instance, has a culture that places a high value on innovation and experimentation, while Yahoo has a culture that is more focused on stability and predictability. Microsoft has a culture that is more focused on a hierarchical structure and a clear chain of command. These different corporate cultures have made it difficult for the companies to come to an agreement on a variety of issues.


In conclusion, the big three, Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft, have had difficulty coming to an agreement due to the fact that each company has its own business strategy, priorities, and corporate culture. While these companies may continue to clash on certain issues, they will need to work together in order to promote a healthy and competitive market. As the internet continues to grow and evolve, the big three will need to find ways to work together in order to keep up with the changing landscape of the digital world.